so, i'm onto the next fiber from the stash. this little number is 90%lamb and 10%silk purchesed as a newbie spinner ( i think my wheel had just arrived) from nistock farms. we took a family drive out to her farm along with jacknits and her family. the kids were thrilled to be going on adventure..... the men? well ...they came along. the farm is an enormous dairy farm~ now sheep farm located in the rolling hills of the lower finger lakes region. in fact, mighty close to the pennsylvania border. we went during lambing season and had great fun seeing all her wooly babes. this fiber was a treat to me, to set my sights for as i became a better spinner.

i'm glad that i waited! there is a beautiful sparkle on this that is surprising.

here.... a close view. i purchased 8 ounces of this and divided it into four ounce bundles to spin. well..... i was barely into the first ounce and felt overwhelmed. i think it's just jet lag from the tour, but i divided again and this is my two ounce bundle.

trying to spin it very fine to end up with a very fine two-ply.
must get spinning!!!
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