well, the eyelet cardi fits m a r v e l o u s l y!! i couldn't be happier with it. i was quite disheartened when the bands went awry. then i didn't think my fix would work. i'm really to cast on another. but then i looked at my to do list and had a moment of sanity.

the socks that i started for amythefibergoddess are completely done! i finished sock one in time to be a sample on display at the fiber fest, but it has taken me forever to finish the mate. since these were going to be a bit long on me, she gets them. i have it on good authority that there is another skein headed my way!

does this not look exactly like autumn leaves? loved this fiber. i purchased 8 ounces ( i know, always get a pound) at rhinebeck 2008, and wanted to get a feel for it before i went this year. it is lovely. it may just look great in the yarn basket without becoming something, but hey, you never know.
my niece. never asks for anything. hands me a (yes, as in one) skein of joanns brand yarn to make a fun scarf to go with her new jacket. hmmmmm, i stewed about it....even stopped to try to buy more at my tiny joann's. no luck. tossed the stash and found great yarns to compliment the 55 yards i had. i kept altering the yarns that i was holding together and it came out exactly as i had envisioned. that's two for two, so i may be at the end of my good*fiber*karma. hope she likes it.
so now i've just got the february lady on the needles, wheel is empty and i'm addicted to knitting those wee little mitten ornaments. can't stop. yikes.
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