well, it's raining. again. while it makes it easier to rationalize being indoors spinning..... i'm just so very sick of the wet. i should have known this was coming, i washed the kitchen floor yesterday and started prepping the deck for paint. i just heard how nice it was going to be this weekend that i completely overlooked the monsoon that was coming today.
spinning.... yes i did. i thought it would be easier to understand the 'odds&ends' with a photo -
how sweet are they? i grab one from the bag.... and this is the part that just KILLS me. i don't look, try to match color, match fiber, match anything..... i just grab one, fluff it up and spin. it turns out great, but it is a stretch for me to let fate take a hand.
okay, i will admit that when i pluck one out i do try to make sure that it goes with the one that i'm attaching it to. okay, i will even admit that i may have, just maybe, thrown one back and grabbed a different one. maybe :)
since i want to navajo ply this, it is going to be a long time spinning this bag. stay with me!
amythefibergoddess has been hip deep in party preparations this week. we haven't even chatted, but she is keeping track of my posts. today she sends me this: Im pretty sure that was english shetland and remember u saying u wanted to try
something different.
hmmmmm. i'm glad she identified the fiber and i do remember saying that i wanted to try something different, but here's the quandary......
it was supposed to be romney. i'm okay with the shetland, but my fingers were needing the romeny!
At The Start
2 days ago
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