i was undecided about attempting the tour this year. last year i admitted defeat half-way through. i hated letting go of my 'can-do' style of living, and i'm not ready to go down that road again. i've been rattling it around in my brain, checking out different ravelry groups even casually asking spinning friends if they were participating. the date neared and i had to make a decision.
i'm in. my goals are very basic...... spin every day. no matter how much ( or how little ) i accomplish, i will sit at a wheel and spin. i've got two different fibers started on my two wheels. both from the stash that have been rattling around for far toooooo long.
so far so good.... and i'm spinning more each day. i purposely chose very different fiber for a reason. i wanted to spin the pretty merino/tencel very fine and make it a two ply yarn. the blue roving is just for spinning fun. no specific purpose, just to make room in the storage area for more.
At The Start
2 days ago
Very pretty!!! Enjoy the tour :-D.
Very nice and I think I'll join you on this Tour de Fleece. I will spin and/or knit a bit every day.
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