makes you think of spring doesn't it? bright and cheerful even though it is snowing and cold here today.
i needed a project to keep me from going over the edge at the abrupt stop i encountered. the kauni is so close to the finish, i can taste it! i'm ready to start the collar, then the button band, finish off the cuffs, block and done. okay, that does seem like alot, but really..... i'm almost there. work, life and bad light has slowed me down. since i have to cut the steeks and pick up those wee tiny stitches, i need the watered-down light of day. since i have kids and a job, that's not going to happen until the weekend!
my lovely malabigo vest. i've run out of yarn. i knew this was a possibility when i started so it wasn't a huge disappointment. getting more yarn turned out to be trickier that i thought. the lys where i purchased was so very less than helpful that i will think twice before patronizing them again. my one online option was too dark and the second is somewhere in the united states postal system hopefully heading to my door.
so that is why i've cast on the spring sock. it was also a great reason to try my inaugural dpn from grafton fibers. i will honestly say that they are the nicest needles that i've ever used and i will be adding even more to my collection!
off to check the mail box! oh yes.... the cat still lives here :)
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