Monday, October 27, 2008

did a sheep explode in here?

i've been having a feeling that my house is over-run with stuff. dog stuff. kid stuff. family stuff. partner stuff. kid stuff. living stuff.
my stuff is usually not on the list of 'too much stuff' after our renovation and frequent moving a few years ago,i've been diligent in keeping us down-sized. i recently turned the closets.... got the summer stuff out, winter stuff in and brutally examined the contents for wearability. that went well, but all the other 'stuff' is driving me nutty.
so i organized my wool.
i bought a fleece this spring and it returned from the processor in july. it was still in the box.

i bartered for a fleece this spring and it was still in the bag.

they are now rolled into 1 pound balls and zippered into their containers. nice and neat.
i'll tackle the other stuff....... later.

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