i've started dividing my knitting time between my two projects. i just love this darn little baby blanket, and i can't give in and knit on it exclusively. so i've been sticking to the plan of keeping it as my travel knit.
i take it to the rink, gymanstics practice and even meetings. i learned to get the block started at home, then i can just cruise along wherever i am.
the ombre wrap is lovely. so much so that is being coveted by another. the eldest in this house has decided that she wants to have one and not just any one, but this one. i initially said no, absolutely no. then i considered that she doesn't ask for many handknits and she does have a significant birthday coming up, so i may be spinning more yarn!
this pattern and i have really clicked. i still find lace frustrating, and certain patterns really get me nutty. so either i'm becoming a better knitter, better reader or more patient. surely not all three ;)
one of the things ( and there are many) that i love about fiber folks is our connections. i was asked to be the transporter of a delightful bag of fiber. amythefibergoddess had sent dyed wool home with acornworks mill to be made into roving. the wool was stunning, bright vibrant hues of blue. diane (acornworks mill) blended them together and brought them to me to return to amy. see what happened? i got the finished product in all it's beauty in my possession.
it sat all evening on the couch taunting me....
so i decided that i should (as a good fiber friend) look at it a bit closer in the light, just for quality control.....
and when it happened to tip out, what was i to do but fondle it, gush over it beauty.....
and tie it nicely back into the bag.
now it's laughing at me...... because it knows i want to take it for a spin! i may need to move it to the garage, out of harms way ;)
At The Start
2 days ago
Whatever happens to that bag of wool is between you and Amy...
You are so bad to tease me like this!
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