the guild has a fiber exchange program that we do in the fall and return at the may meeting that then becomes our display for the annual fiber festival. great idea, loads of fun.... unless you are me. i got my fiber spun right up, and after little debate chose the perfect project. i was deep into all my other mitten, hat and sweater knitting, so let it slide. then i wrecked my elbow. no knitting for three l o n g weeks. i started gradually and all was going well. until.
i knit the first mitten. it was a bit big, but i was willing to let it go. knit the second and saw that i was not going to have enough yarn. ripped it back and reknit it following the directions to make a smaller size. still ran out of yarn. ripped them both back to the fifth row, steamed the yarn to remove the wrinkles and i'm going again. same pattern modified for size ( and yarn amount) my elbow is not holding up well under the stress-knitting. it doesn't matter, these will be done. for next weekend's meeting.
on a happier note, i took the yarn winder for a spin (hah) with this beautiful yarn. it is falkland -i love the bounce and softness- in blueberry patch by spinning bunny. this is my second batch of falkland and i really enjoy it. since i'm headed to the maryland sheep and wool festival this weekend, i may just try to find some more there.
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