i met my first challenge.... spin on every wheel that lives in this house.
this is roving that i received in the holiday exchange at the guild. it was white roving that amythefibergoddess dyed in an ombre. my original intent was to use this to for the guild knit-a-long. well that didn't happen! i was tossing around in the fiber stash and found it, so decided to spin it up. amy helped me break it up into colors....
these are the ones that i've spun so far. i divided the roving in half and will make a two-ply yarn when i've got them all done. the green on the right was spun on my hansen then rolled into balls, next is the green/blue that was spun on the ashford traditional, then the blue from the majacraft. whew. next up are these....
with the smaller amounts, i've really enjoyed using my majacraft wheel. of course, it's harder to take along places so i' may need to toss something on the hansen for travel. hmmmm, back to the fiber stash for a look-see!
here are some skeins that i finally got washed and dried. every time they made it out to dry, there was another 'rain rinse'.
the blue is 4 oz of BFL from stone edge fibers. the yarn on the right is 4 oz of Polwarth/Silk from into the whirled in the 'irohamomiji' colorway. this jumped into my bag at maryland in 2013. the colors are amazing and i had the best time spinning it. i chose to fractal spin this to really have fun with those bright hues!
At The Start
2 days ago
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