last spring, my freezer was accidentally left unplugged during electrical work on the house. we found it about three weeks later, when contents was mush. everything was discarded including the few strawberries that i had left. the patch that i've picked in for years, ceases to exist two years ago and we were enjoying the remaining berries.... until they melted into mush. i didn't get a chance last year to find a new patch, so we've been berry-less. it was sad, but i think my family got it.... no jam, no shortcakes..... it was sad.
this year, i started my search early.i've been asking my fiber friends were they went, did anyone know of a good place, i was relentless. last week my sister texted me an address of a sign she saw on her travels. i gave it a quick google search and off i went.
Chase farm in macedon, does berries..... in a big way! you board a wagon from the parking lot, and off you go to the fields. they have four varieties of berries for u-pick, and are knowledgeable, helpful, friendly and fun!
i picked 8 quarts (13 lbs) on friday. we ate like kings... fresh berries and cream, shortcake, oh my! i made jam and put some in the freezer for a cold winter's day and realized that i needed more....
lots more! another 11 quarts on monday. the kitchen smelled wonderful as i put all these up. i may go out one more time, just for fun!
At The Start
2 days ago