i've been in a fiber frenzy the past week. the temperatures dropped, and suddenly i was energized to finish up spinning stuff on the bobbin, casting off ( and on ) new knitting projects. look what i've done....
two hanks of BFL, each from a different dyer. the champagne blush was a purchase at rhinebeck last fall. my companion snagged two of theses, and i snatched up the remaining one. i started spinning it on new year's eve... with a colorway called champagne blush how could i resist? it turned into soft, fluffy yarn with gentle color transitions. the blue is the infamous discarded roving from stoneedgefibers. i still get such a chuckle embellishing the story of rescuing this poor roving from the cold cement floor that it was cast away on. bleeding colors, fracturing dye, blah, blah, blah..... i just loved it. it is a squishy, yummy yarn too. i have no plans for either of these. i'm sure the right project will find me.
onto my knitting. i'm working on a KAL that seems to require more attention than i want to give it. so, i needed a mindless knitting item. i started a vest for ellery.... he has two of this exact pattern, so i knew just what i was doing. and now i'm almost done. need more mindless knitting. started more of the bee stitch face clothes for upcoming birthdays. well, i'm zipping through those. another project? you bet. i'm making cowls.
since i took this picture, the braided vines cowl is done and blocked, the front of the vest... done. i've got that face clothe just about ready to cast off. what else could i do......
yep, another cowl. this one is for a gift. i'm keeping it quiet for a bit.... but i'll tell all when it's delivered.
speaking of gifts? how cute is this....
amythefibergoddess made these dear stitch markers. i've needed them for the braided vines cowls that i'm addicted to. it puts a smile in my heart each time it passes by.
At The Start
2 days ago
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