i was on such a spinning-fiber-knitting spree that it's been hard not keeping up. i've been busy all weekend sorting, hauling, purging the garage and shed. i still have the basement to go, but i'm wearing out! we've been doing some major projects in our yard, so it migrated to the garage and shed. the village has an annual event where you can put almost anything to the curb, and what isn't taken by 'the picker's' by gets hauled away. so far, only one item has made it to the curb and it didn't last the day. i've been through baby clothes and toys and games, old furniture from my parent's farm and of course all the holiday trim. three trips so far to the VOA and a car full for tomorrow. i did save my wedding dress, all those baby clothes and a bunch of toys. i know that i should take a more minimalist approach, but hey, i've got the space. i remember what a thrill it was to have 'hand-me-downs' from family when i had wee ones, so i'm going to try to keep the tradition going. i plan on staying here until the end, so i've made sure to label it and leave notes for whoever gets the job of sorting through it.
i found two things that just tickled my heart. the first, two fleeces that i washed and stored and my sweet honey moved to a 'safe place' sadly they lost their tags, but hey...... they're nice fleeces!
the second was a book that recorded my grandparents fiftieth wedding anniversary. it is written in grandma's distinctive handwriting with all the information filled in...... when they met, when they married, friends, attendants, guests, gifts, it is all there. she even included newspaper clippings! they began their married life in 1913. just how cool is that!
i have absolutely no idea how i came to be in possession of this treasure, but treasure it i will.
At The Start
2 days ago