the extra yarn was washed on monday, just as the weather turned nicer. my usual drying method is to place the skein on my mitten drying rack over the register and typically by morning the skein is ready. well, no. while it was warmer (relatively speaking) it was not warm enough to dry a skein outdoors. i had to come up with an alternate method. i turned the oven on, put the hank of yarn in and let it reach 150 degrees. i turned it off and didn't open the door until tuesday morning. it was good to go!
i took the advice given to me at the spinning retreat and started the next leaves with the new yarn saving the rest for the last four leaves. i love this part of the pattern and it goes quickly. soon all leaves were done. (can't tell the difference in leaf color can you)
i just had all the ends to weave it. so last night i got busy....
and blocked it before it went to bed.......
as luck would have it, the weather turned cold and the furnace is on. i must admit it is lovely. and yes, it's killing me not to be casting on another. i 've got some other deadlines to meet ;)
At The Start
2 days ago
Love it! I think we need more pictures of your blocking rack. Or are there more if I look back through your blog?
We both met our deadlines!
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