time to get those gingerbread houses decorated and ready to travel to their new homes. i was talking about the evolution of traditions today with my sister. the new changes soon become welcome customs, and the memories of our child hood customs become stories for our children. my gingerbread house tradition has been in place for over fifteen years. i wish i had been better at keeping track in the beginning, but i never saw this as an annual occurrence. now it is so ingrained in our family, i can't see ever stopping. as with many things that are done over and over, it gets easier and easier.
they were all baked and ready, so i got them set up and started frosting the joins....

it helps to have another pair of hands to hold them in place....
and while they look a little rough, they just need those finishing touches...
we'll send then on their way tomorrow. for now, i get to enjoy the sweet smell of ginger and chocolate!
Meg and I are having our cookie frenzy today...the last of today's baking is in the oven.
Holy cow, those are gorgeous! What a lot of work, fun tradition or not. They are beautiful. Hope the recipients appreciate them!
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