it seems that rolling the entire ball of yarn stretched onto a paper towel roll really does help. i didn't go much faster, but having it ready to use was less annoying. i also found that you could make it ruffle more if you spaced the stitches out, but that also made it droopier. i finished the adult scarf, sewed in the ends and promptly recruited a model.
she was a bit of a diva at first......
but with some encouragement she found her groove.....
as i was picking up, there was still a ton left and as i gleefully started to toss it in the trash.... i realized that it would make a beautiful accessory for josephina.
she was thrilled!
At The Start
2 days ago
Love your models.
Nice use of available models (and bit of leftover yarn)!
Just for fun, the captcha word was ickdays.
I get my models from the same agency. :-)
Good save on the the bit of leftover "yarn"!
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