there will be a hint of fiber in this post, but more about my weekend adventure. the gals in my family started an annual tradition in 1994 of meeting each year. it started with my mom, sisters, three close cousins and my niece. we have been a variety of places, done lots of things, but the main idea is to: chat, eat, chat, shop, chat, drink wine..... you get the idea. we go without kids, husbands, or firm agendas to have time to start and finish conversations and catch up with each other.
this year our weekend was in allentown, pa at cousin kathie's home. with all the car chatter we missed our exit and ended up here.....
after we all arrived Friday afternoon, we ordered dinner and on our way, kathie had found me this:
a charming yarn shop in emmaus. the walls and bins were filled with natural fibers (it's the only yarn she carries). i did not have time to linger, but i will definitely return.
the next morning we were off to Philadelphia for food and fun. we visited the Reading Terminal Market for lunch, then to Independence Hall. i saw the liberty bell...
and what better way to see the historic sites than by carriage...
we did it all and then some! there was lots of shopping and eating and chatting and wine sampling. i was able to knit the same row of my 'traveling woman' shawl five times! considering i'm at 159 stitches in the row, it was a bit disappointing. i think i've straightened myself out, so hope to get further along this week.
so after an estrogen packed adventure, we are all looking forward to next year when we play again.
At The Start
2 days ago