Sunday, March 13, 2011

where is that time going?

my knitting projects have been lackluster lately, and today i realized that i hadn't posted anything in....well about a month.
i was frantically knitting a sweater to wear on our annual 'girls weekend' when i ran out of usable yarn at the sleeves. i have more fiber but had to realistically assess that fact that i could not spin, ply, wash, dry, knit, seam, block in seven days. there may have been a time when i would have scoffed at those time restraints and even seen it as a moral-building challenge. well, that ship has sailed
so i took the sleeve yarn and started a set of mittens. they will be scrumptious when finished. i took them along on our weekend and have just a bit left to finish them.
while i did not knit them in the city of boston, they got to tag along as i hoofed the freedom trail with my dragon-slaying cousin. we tried to pack all we could into the sunny day we had. the north church was a must see for me. then the inner harbor, charles river, charlestown and bunkerhill. being a freedom trail virgin, i didn't realize that you could enter and roam at most of these landmarks. so when kathie suggested we go to the top of the monument, i didn't see any reason not to climb 300 narrow, winding, concrete steps... that's why we are the dragon slayers!
i now have plenty of time to finish that yarn and get those sleeves done in time for the next fun adventure. we were housed and fed by my stampalious cousin linda. i remain pea-green at her talent and skill with all things stamp. she is quick and decisive with her projects and truly has a eye for putting patterns and colors together. her workstation is to-die-for. it got me thinking that one of my biggest difficulties with card making is hauling everything out, finding what i want, then putting it all away. we may have a trip to ikea in our future.


Marmie said...

I love this! My daughter lives in Boston and it's one of my favorite cities!

You are always an inspiration! I am hoping to see you this Saturday!

Stampin in the suburbs said...

So fun to see our fun weekend documented on your blog. Also how sweet of you to be so flattering of me! You really should try to find a corner of your house to set up a stamp workstation. Just a desk dedicated to stamping would make a big difference for you and Linden. Hope you are healing and back to knitting soon.