it seems that i remain full of spinning euphoria following the second place finish in -batts to hats-. i have plied all the singles were on bobbins.... it was a lot of fiber. all the cape cod cranberry that i dyed is now hanks of yarn, just waiting for a quick wash, then i can decide what to do with them.
joan visited yesterday for a day of spinning and fiber fun. we both had 'bricks' of longmeadow farms fiber, so decided that was what we would work on. for my sweet family that is always stymied by the 'fiber lingo' here is what a brick is. locks of wool ( and some goat fur which we call mohair) is dyed (kind of like the easter egg thing, but with animal hair instead of eggs) when dry, the locks are put into a large device with very sharp points that fluffs them up and mixes them together. sandy then folds them into smaller, compact amounts that she calls a brick. the thrill for the spinners, is that you can take the fiber off the brick any way you want and get totally different results. joan is just pulling hers off as it is, getting a mix of colors.
i am taking mine off in strips getting long bands of the same colors.
since i am planning on leaving mine as a single, i want to find a super cool pattern that will help show case the yarn. i'll need to get some measurements on my amounts and then get searching.
to help were the two canines of the house....... they were just beside themselves with excitement!
At The Start
2 days ago