Saturday, June 11, 2011


this post is completely unrelated to fiber. a while ago, i decided that i needed to run a 5K and that i needed to accomplish this before i hit a landmark birthday. well, the birthday is approaching so it became apparent that i must get serious. now, i've never been a runner. never. i walk, and i can put the casual walker to shame, but running? my commitment to a goal is crazy-stupid. as i've proven with fiber, i just stick with it until the end.

starting in february i got serious. i got a recommendation for a training website, and was off. walk-run-walk, lengthening the time of the running piece and shortening the walks. i thought i was going to die. the time that i took to accomplish this was sad, really sad. but, i kept with march i was able to run the entire way, staggering into the driveway thrilled that i got there. i kept at it, found great music to run to (eminem is my go to guy :) finally bought real running gear and saw my time improve.

today was goal day. i entered my first official 5K race. yikes. when i got there this morning there were all sorts of real runner-type folks. serious stuff. i got into the middle of the pack with my running companion and at the sound of the horn, we were off. i was so conditioned to my own rhythm that i kept a consistent pace. and i did it. ran the entire race and crossed that finish line. it was awesome.

i may have another in me :)

1 comment:

Stampin in the suburbs said...

Congratulations. You are proving that persistence really does pay off. I'm sure you were fabulous. What an accomplishment. Great Job. I'm inspired.