Tuesday, April 5, 2011

stella maris

last weekend was the spinning retreat held at camp stella maris. now, when i say 'camp' it brings to mind cabins, sleeping bags, outdoor fires. that's not what's happening here. located on a smaller lake, the wegman lodge (yes, i did mean that wegman) is luxurious with a lovely fire place, huge windows and decks, comfy beds and bathrooms.

we gathered on friday afternoon and the fibery adventures began. some folks spin, some knit, read about knitting and spinning, it's a very relaxed atmosphere. there were a multitude of projects ...

the time was unstructured with only two workshops offered, one in decoupage the other needle felting. i took the opportunity to pester a master knitter into teaching me continental knitting. i learned both knit and purl stitches and sadly hounded her all weekend to monitor my progress and correct my mistakes. she was such a good sport and i am definitely feeling confident in the process. good news is that my elbow allowed me to power spin all weekend, bad news is that it is still sensitive to knitting. must be the constant positioning, but i am trying to slowly ease back into it.

with all this yarn i'm contemplating entering it into the fiber festival spinners basket. i have a project in mind that this would be awesome for.

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