i decided that i really, really needed to do a blog post. my cheeks are blushing with embarrassment that i missed an entire month. 'it's been so busy', is just is a poor excuse. i'll try to pick up where i left off in august.
august... was such a perfect summer month that we spent it swimming, skiing, hanging at the lake. i was decidedly spun out after the tour de fleece, so there was way more knitting than spinning. i finished the blasted reindeer hat and put it on display in my living room. the more i looked at the two hats i realized that i needed to make a third. this would get him through the winter. i also decided that i needed to keep up the seasonal theme. so i pondered.
it always helps to ponder in a two-seater convertible. my cousin was up for a visit and we went for a spin about town. yes, that is a finger lakes fiber festival t-shirt that i have on.
i finally made a valentines cap for the little dude. with the three completed, i called them 'logan's trio' and gifted the mom. she was delighted and gracious enough to let me enter them in the competition at the festival.
i bought this....
a rigid heddle loom, gently used, that will soon be leading me deeper on the path of insanity.
september began with the traditional ring-of-fire celebration on canandaigua lake. the weekend was beautiful as we said goodbye to summer.
september brings birthday's to recognize. and nothing makes turning older easier than inspire moore wine!
and the biggest event of september is the finger lakes fiber festival.
located in hemlock, new york, this event has grown into a two day feast of fiber! saturday the weather was ify. we had moisture, more than a mist, but not quite a drizzle. this year we began using their newest building and it was fabulous to have the vendor indoors. sunday was delightful. warm, gentle breezes and lots of fiber fun.
logan's trio was chosen for a special award. and they are just tooo darn cute. i've got to get them to him before he gets here!
the guild display was fabulous! the knitted knockers, premie hats and warm extremities were on display along with the pillows and anniversary skeins...
always the third weekend in september, it is definitely a 'must-see' event.
now that the month is ending, i've got another baby gift on the needles and i'm searching for a bigger project to start.
At The Start
2 days ago